Updated: 1 July 2020


The penalties for non-compliance to the new reforms are increasing as a result of substantial research that a large number of Victorian rental providers were not undertaking the recommended safety maintenance and were providing poor living conditions to renters.

‘Overall, 11 per cent of renters described their property condition as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’ when they moved in, with low income renters (those in the bottom two income quartiles) more likely to report that their property was in ‘poor’ condition (11 per cent compared to 7 per cent overall)and less likely to report that it was in ‘excellent’ condition (22 per cent compared to 29 per cent overall)…

Feedback obtained as part of the Review, as well as knowledge gathered from Consumer Affairs Victoria’s (CAV’s) regulatory and compliance functions, identified that responsibilities for safety-related activities under a rental agreement was an area of concern, with anecdotal evidence of critical safety tasks not being done.’

Citation: Regulatory Impact Statement Residential Tenancies Regulations 2020


What happens if the rental providers does not provide these minimal requirements?


‘Rental providers who currently try to do the right thing by renters will not be affected by the changes. However, those who cut corners or who do not prioritise compliance with their obligations will find themselves facing increased monetary penalties and other punitive action.’ (engage.vic.gov.au)

Reform information relating to non-compliance
Publicly blacklisting agent and RRPs for non-compliance
Additional penalties for non-compliance
Residential Tenancies Amendment Act Citation relating to non-compliance
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